Blue Envelope Program

The River Vale Police Department is proud to announce the implementation of a new program to help people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) during a motor vehicle stop. The goal of the Blue Envelope Program is to avoid any misunderstandings between our Officers and drivers with ASD.

If a driver with ASD happens to be pulled over by a Police Officer, the driver shall present the Blue Envelope. The driver shall keep their vehicle registration, insurance card, and an emergency contact card inside the blue envelope.

The front of the envelope contains instructions and expectations for the driver such as: keep your hands on the steering wheel, the officer may shine their flashlight in the car, and police car will have flashing lights.

On the back of the envelope, it informs the officers what to do such as: simplify commands and if the driver becomes upset to contact the emergency contact on listed on the card.

A check box will also indicate whether the driver is verbal or nonverbal.

This excellent program will help us bridge the gaps in communication and build empathy in our community. If you or a loved one would like to participate in the Blue Envelope Program, please stop at the River Vale Police Department to inquire. This program is currently only available to residents of River Vale. 

RVPD Supports Autism Awareness

Please contact Sergeant Yoo #68 at or Officer Pane #79 at for any further questions.


sample p2

info card