Online Payments
Motor Vehicle Tickets
If you would like to pay a summons (also referred to as a “ticket”), you may do so by clicking the NJMC DIRECT link below. Before proceeding, please be aware of the following:
Ensure that your summons does not require a court appearance. You can determine this by looking for the red writing towards the bottom of the summons that states “Court Appearance Required”. If this is checked or otherwise marked and if the offense charged is not payable through the Violations Bureau, you MUST appear in court. A FAILURE TO APPEAR IN COURT MAY AUTOMATICALLY GENERATE A WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST. To learn more about what to do next, visit the NJ Judiciary System website.
Only motor vehicle summonses may be paid online.
You will be directed to the State of New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts Traffic Ticket Payment System. Payments are not done directly on this site.
Click here for the Township of River Vale's Municipal Court webpage.