
Social & Cultural Affairs

2025 Event Calendar
(more events coming soon!)

Adult / Senior Game Day - most Mondays 12-3 ongoing
(some exceptions - email to confirm before arrival)

Vitalant Blood Drive - 2/13/25

Ramadan Crescent Lighting - 2/23/25

Annual Easter Egg Hunt - 4/12/25

Spring Gift Fair - 5/10/25

River Vale Farmers Market - Thursdays 1-6pm starting 5/15/25

Memorial Day Ceremony - 5/24/25

Town Wide Garage Sale - 6/7/25

Symphony in the Park - 6/28/25

September 11th Remembrance Ceremony - 9/11/25

River Vale Day! - 10/5/25

Ragamuffin Parade / Trunk or Treat - 10/25/25

Veteran's Day Event - 11/9/25

Thanksgiving Farmers Market - 11/25/25

Christmas Tree Lighting - 12/5/25

Chanukah Menorah Lighting - 12/15/25

The Social and Cultural Affairs Department welcomes any residents to assist or join its growing committee. If you would like to help out with fundraising, shopping, baking, coordinating events, or developing new programs, please Email Director Amy.

We are in need of Community Service Volunteers. If you, or any high school aged students you know are interested in getting community service hours from the Township, please email us.

Check our Live Feed & Events sections on our home page for additional upcoming Township events!